-The mission of the DSRi: DSR and EBP<p>The Design Science Research institute is a partnership in development (as yet not incorporated). Its mission is to further develop and disseminate the methodologies of Design Science Research (DSR) and Evidence-Based practice (EBP) in the social world. This mission is multidisciplinary and international, not confined to a particular social discipline or country.</p>
<p>Another label for DSR is action oriented research. That is research aiming at developing actionable knowledge, knowledge to be used to design actions to obtain desired outcomes in (social) reality. The complement of DSR is EBP, the actual application of DSR outcomes (generic actionable knowledge) in the field.</p>
<p>The institute aims to fulfil its mission via various means. These include research, publications, workshops, conferences, consultation on specific problems or projects and training in the methodologies of DSR and EBP.<br /> <br /> The partners of the institute can be contacted via the institute for cooperation in projects or other activities supporting the institute’s mission and for consultation and training.</p>